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精致生活里的欧式情结 126平华丽欧式三居







3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-1 01:55:47 | 显示全部楼层

Battle of love _2

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   Check this period of time to do what it: as a part-time job for several days, but in the end did not go, but to the very full, and didn't go to reason is because the weekend by Mami's introduction to the children's Museum on the bench to the instructor, the title of the report check pass mode and so on, no technical content of work, but we are really busy 2, 3 night, weekend to children's Museum, two days day labourers, no technical content, but quite busy; "I am special forces" to review again, and will give me impressed lines extracted, then spent three nights carefully wrote an article for up to five or six thousand words.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-1 20:18:26 | 显示全部楼层

Scar, interpretation of the tears

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some people, only when we are covered with scars, it is the most beautiful.
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when we have felt,hogan outlet online, but That's all., but there are a lot of people do not. Only when the good things or people lose, just know how to cherish. And after the event we have exhausted the full, so full of scars,goyard paris, and the rest of the tears of regret.
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often think,tn requin pas cher, why do people always lose after they know how to cherish. The answer is yes, because we don't know what direction it will be. When all comes, we just know the result, so we regret, also know how to cherish.
some words,scarpe hogan outlet, only when we burst into tears, to understand that it is the same lie.
regret is the most terrible poison, only the scars can explain everything we have. Related Articles:

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   As a rural student, he seems to be very low self-esteem, only to learn every day, but the results have not been. We also occasionally listen to the village with his brother in the same school to speak about it, but who do not know the specific circumstances. We have repeatedly asked my brother, but he always not language, face without any expression.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-9 17:36:36 | 显示全部楼层

Daughter _212

聽聽聽聽绔崍涓?繃锛屽氨鏄コ瀛︾敓鏈?揣寮犵殑鏃ュ瓙浜嗭紝鍗婂勾鑰冨氨鍏湀鍒濄?鑻ユ槸鏈夊姛璇句笉鑳藉悎鏍硷紝涓嬪崐骞村氨鍙兘鑷?涓夐棬璇捐壓銆?聽聽聽聽鍗槄鐨勭疁绡屽拰鐞磋閮芥病涓婁簡锛屽苟涓嶅ス鍗婂勾鑰冪殑鑼冨洿鍐咃紝鍏朵粬璇剧▼瀵瑰ス鏉ヨ锛屽悎鏍兼槸缁濆娌℃湁闂鐨勶紝宸埆鍙兘涓嶈兘鍔涘帇浼楄?宸层? 聽聽聽聽鍙槸鍋忓亸杩欐渶绱у紶鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍗村張鏄笢灞卞瀛愬拰澶鐢熼┈鐞冨ぇ璧涚殑鏃ュ瓙銆備袱涓闄㈠悇鍑轰笁鏀槦浼嶏紝鍙﹀杩樻湁浜儕鐨勬瀛﹂櫌涔 熷弬鍔犮?姝﹀闄㈡槸閭d簺娓告墜濂介棽鐨勪笘瀹跺瓙闀?噾鐨勫湴鏂癸紝杩涘幓璇讳釜涓ゅ勾锛屽啀鏀惧埌鍐涗腑鍘嗙粌涓?笅锛屽墠閫斾篃绠椾笉閿欍? 聽聽聽聽椹悆濡備粖涓婁含鍙槸椤堕《鐑棬鐨勪笢瑗匡紝杩炲涓殑鐨囩埛閮藉枩娆㈢帺锛屽嚑浣嶆涓嬩篃鏃跺父缁勭粐椹悆璧涖?琛楀ご宸峰熬璁鐨勯兘鏄┈鐞冿紝灏辨槸闂澶村瀛猴紝濂逛滑閮借兘鏁伴亾鍑哄嚑涓┈鐞冮珮鎵嬫潵锛岃寰楀斁娌&iacute,air max 95 pas cher;椋炪? 聽聽聽聽涓婅緢瀛愬崼铇呰繖鏃跺?涓?績鎰佺潃鍗婂勾鑰冿紝鏍规湰鏃犲績鍘荤湅杩欎簺鐑椆锛屽彧鎯崇潃 濡備綍鑳戒笉杈撶粰鍗惐澶锛屼笉杩囪繖杈堝瓙濂瑰彲娌℃兂鍐嶈繃閭f牱鐨勬棩瀛愩? 聽聽聽聽鍗槄浠ヤ负锛岄噸娲讳竴娆★紝閲嶆柊鍙樺緱骞磋交锛岃嚜鐒惰鎭f剰鍦版尌闇嶄竴娆℃墠濂斤紝杩欏彲鏄崱鏉ョ殑渚垮疁銆?聽聽聽聽鎵?互涓嬩簡瀛︼紝鍗槄灏卞悓閮箰鎬&deg,scarpe hogan outlet;?鏉庢偊銆佽寖棣ㄤ竴璧峰幓浜嗗お瀛︼紝鍗惐銆佹湪鐝嶈繕鏈夋湪妲夸篃閮藉幓浜嗐?濂冲鐢熼噷娉板崐閮藉埌浜嗗お瀛︾殑椹悆鍦恒? 聽聽聽聽澶忔棩鐨勬棩瀛愰暱浜嗭紝涓嬩簡瀛︿箣鍚庤繕瑕佽涔呮墠澶╅粦锛屽ぇ瀹剁殑娲诲姩灏卞浜嗚澶氥? 聽聽聽 聽浠婃棩鏄笢灞变功闄㈠澶锛屼笢灞变功闄㈤澶寸殑姝f槸鍟嗗溅鍗囷紝涔熷氨鏄崼铇呬笂杈堝瓙鐨勫ぇ濮愬か銆?聽聽聽聽鍗槄鎯充簡鎯筹紝鍚╁拹浜嗛棬鍙g瓑鐫?ス鐨勫康鐝犲効鍥炲幓鎵惧崼鑺筹紝闅忎究鎵釜鍊熷彛灏嗗崼鑺冲彨鍑烘潵銆?聽聽聽聽鍗姵鍒扮殑鏃跺?锛岃繕涓?ご闆炬按锛屸?蹇电彔鍎夸笉鏄鎯宠鏇块?绾夸箞锛熲? 聽聽聽聽鍗槄鎷変簡鍗姵鍒拌韩杈瑰潗涓嬶紝鈥滈偅鏄彨濂瑰搫鍑烘潵鐨勫?鍙o紝澶у濮愶紝鎴愭棩閲屽叧瀹朵腑鏈変粈涔堣叮锛屾墍浠ヨ蹇电彔鍎垮枈浜?Related Articles:

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  Chen helpless, hand holding the head shouted loudly: "I'm crazy, completely unable to communicate with you, sometimes doubt you are aliens, you say a word ah! You do not say that I know, you just want to talk with me on the bed is not? But you said I'm not beautiful, you should go to the white swan!
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-10 04:29:47 | 显示全部楼层

The secret trapped fish _135

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  Chen helpless, hand holding the head shouted loudly: "I'm crazy, completely unable to communicate with you, sometimes doubt you are aliens, you say a word ah! You do not say that I know, you just want to talk with me on the bed is not? But you said I'm not beautiful, you should go to the white swan!
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-14 06:08:16 | 显示全部楼层

Love is like this

Time: 21:57 2012-06-17 source: network editor: network reprint Click: Second< p > love is the world's most faithful, is also the most unreliable things, time, love's too light, love the people also scattered, if we have to pull hard, the original good will become a kind of bondage. Love has no who sorry who, only who does not know how to cherish who. From acquaintance to love experienced a very long period of time, joy and sorrow, that are shared, so love is very deep and deep-seated, until a breakup is hurt the most pain, love the deepest hurt the pain. Love is not who is right and who is wrong, only who don't cherish only,hogan rebel outlet, that is,chaussure jordan pas cher, the likelihood can not defend, learn to let go, tens of thousands of flowers in the world, a Duogengbi a single strong, cheer up! Not all true love will be someone to cherish; not all the truth will have the human body will be; not all people can understand your heart, but still can calm. For falling in love with a person who should not fall in love with a person who should not fall in love with a person who is not in love with you. Some fate is doomed to lose,golden goose saldi, and some fate is never a good result. If,air max pas cher, not happy, if not happy, then let go of it! If, do not give up,hogan outlet, do not let go, it is painful! Don't be so pessimistic, as long as you look for it, you will find that you can love again. If the acquaintance is a beautiful mistake, then forget about the past, everything from the beginning again, slowly, found time will erase everything, life does not have not to the ridge, hope can happy up as soon as possible to find their own. Life can be very complex can be very simple,hogan outlet online, do not always live in sorrow and pain, love yourself a little more. Don't feel that life is always so painful that you don't deserve it. The steering wheel of life is in your own hands,hogan sito ufficiale, one day Sunshine Avenue, waiting for you to go. Let oneself proud of living, as long as they are happy happy, the pain of the past hurt let it go with the wind! Tell the world that it belongs to the present, not the past. Things don't have to care too much, do not need to insist, let all Suiyuan, escape may not be avoided, the face is not necessarily the most sad, loneliness is not necessarily unhappy, are not necessarily permanent, lost no longer does not necessarily have. Don't think about it in the past, and it's a long time for you to go. So to forget the past, in the face of reality cherish the present, happy to live each day. Don't be sad,hogan outlet online, sad! To be happy, happy is the most important.
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  The first time, my grades also than white high, but on the second, I do not know how, white all of a sudden by leaps and bounds, good to me how to chase, could not catch the point, teachers often praise him, personally went to his house to do home visits, the envy ah, the final result is, he was admitted to the key high school, and I was off the list. Fortunately, the leadership of my father and a high school, just not dropouts.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-17 17:29:36 | 显示全部楼层

Xishan red leaves

Time: 2013-11-01 20:54: network editor: click on the network reproduced: & nbsp; & nbsp; on leaves of the topic, in the memory of childhood is two concepts, heard a word of Chen Yi's poetry in elementary school,nike air max pas cher, the teacher asks what is leaves,scarpe hogan outlet, rushes to the classmate classmate said persimmon tree leaf, even as long as the red leaves are red. The deepest impression is a classmate, he loudly argued; sweet potato leaves is red.
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  You ask me why in the old many teachers to choose the teacher Chen? This is certainly not because of other teachers I do not admire it, other teachers I also admire, because the teacher to teach us the knowledge to teach us, I am very much respect for all the teachers. But Chen's unique way of education is different, so that we do not like the language of Chinese students have become like the language, the original like Chinese students become more like chinese.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-18 12:36:25 | 显示全部楼层

What is wrong

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  & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a year. A month. Sometime. In this city. I know you. Time and place are wrong. I made a mistake. Fall in love with you the wrong release your hand. All these errors will become our past. I'm coming. Where. Where is my love. Time can dilute all. Believe me. I believe I can let oneself,nike tn requin soldes,
      the weather is not good has been under a dim light rain in the evening playing the thunder also mingled with lightning. Very scary. A person standing in the yard and looked up at the sky so dense clouds of psychological comfort like the dark clouds. Give me comfort. Looking at the sky in my mind a blank what I do not want to force the breath deep inhalation good deafening thunder easy listening. Looking at the flash of lightning. A heart calm down. What is not in want. Everything is so false is so unbearable level. Everything is so false sometimes fantasy hypocritical. He was a recorder of the past. Everything can be made. The tape in it. Such memories forever all seems so warm so true. I could rewind. Again. Rewind thatnice. Let the time stay happy. The more fortunate moment. Blessing ah.. that is fantasy. Fantasy represents will never happen. Never. Like you've let go of the things you'll never take. Don't come back. Never get it back. Knowing that letting go means losing, the reality might be forced to give up. No choice. Only abandoned. Originally,sac goyard pas cher, I thought that love can be in love together can resist everything. Reality is that I was wrong. Really wrong. Not love can in together. Love is love is happy. Not a love can last forever,
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  I had no father when I was 13 years old. Father died away his discipline to me and my interest in the lesson, I was 16 years old into the factory, before me two years of school, but did not graduate, I due to fight was expelled. I like working night shift, because I and my friends are used to sleep during the day; I like to play cards to fall in love, because I have nothing else to do.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-19 00:26:07 | 显示全部楼层

Alive, for what is

time to go, we realize. Along the way, kankankeke, frustrations. In those years, we are filled with enthusiasm, chasing the dream, to have a brave heart, to fight, to struggle, not difficult to overcome difficulties, a road running.

then later, we have experienced more and more, the time of the destruction but did not stop.If one day, we stopped that hurried footsteps, feel the strong tiredness. Then we tell ourselves that don't give up.So finally, the cruel reality will destroy our only the tired shell,air max pas cher, we have been dealt a blow, no passion, no dream.If life did not stop every day, zombie like life,hogan sito ufficiale, there is no color of life makes us feel the despair and confusion.

at first, we are naive and ridiculous, has a naive idea, doing the innocent thing,hogan outlet, not too much trouble.So later, when a storm approaches, we are not afraid of wind and rain, wind run, think only with difficulty can make us strong.

life is too complicated, why think too much, do what you want to do,hogan outlet, don't let yourself regret!

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we become sad,tn requin pas cher, sad reality of the cruel, in a slow pace, we have a different feeling, we began to lament life, began to re planning their own life.

I think, people alive, is to experience some, whether it should be brave some,nike tn requin soldes, put down some unnecessary baggage? We are always afraid of being laughed at, and lost the real,hogan outlet, to the end? What has not been obtained? I live, is to give myself to see, not to others see, be people laugh and how? Life is so short, why not in the young occasion, let oneself live envy?If but will have many constraints, such as always care about others to own affirmation, for fear of being negative, so we gingerly, for fear that made people laugh at things, sometimes reflection. This is too naive? Why is too concerned about other people's views, I live, to live to see their own, why should we lose the courage? What is the meaning?

Alive, for what is
<br: listen="" to="" a="" piano,="" quiet="" impetuous="" heart,="" or="" cup="" of="" tea,="" enjoy="" the="" scenery.
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  I had no father when I was 13 years old. Father died away his discipline to me and my interest in the lesson, I was 16 years old into the factory, before me two years of school, but did not graduate, I due to fight was expelled. I like working night shift, because I and my friends are used to sleep during the day; I like to play cards to fall in love, because I have nothing else to do.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-22 08:19:38 | 显示全部楼层

I love you like a moth

< p > e autumn tears looked at Ze Tao, Tao Ze the cold sad,chaussure louboutin pas cher, why love is so painful? A woman, just need a person to accompany, coax, this requirement is very high right? Now have to marry, Tao Ze but didn't want to get married happiness, but busy working everyday, more and more Shaopei autumn e,< p > Tao Ze is talking on the phone, hang up the phone, filed a briefcase. The autumn e said: "dear, I want to go to a meeting the, can't accompany you to eat dinner, you eat it without I don't come back.",< p > see Ze Tao, left in a hurry, e autumn foolishly looked at myself with two hours to do the dishes. Now, only myself, how to eat,stylo plume mont blanc solde,< p > light blue windows reflect the neon light out of the window, this is a sleepless city, now also not until nine in the evening, ye life has just begun. To open the white screens, went to the balcony, slightly cool breeze blowing waves,hogan outlet, lifted the autumn e of a hair, a white skirt, she, in the dim light of night, long eyelashes hanging crystal pearls, appears to be so fragile, people lament,< p > the house is their three months ago to buy, do get married in the future new home. Two of them are advocating a simple wedding do not want to deliberately to extravagant, so the mind to spend it all into the floor of the house decoration in the family, sofa, color TV refrigerator air conditioner, including the kitchen of lampblack machine are Tao Ze and autumn e personally purchased. Tao Ze like blue,scarpe hogan outlet, so home curtains and sofa in blue is given priority to,golden goose, the lamp is light blue,< p > first moved into a new home,nike tn pas cher, Tao Ze hug e autumn said: "from today onwards you is the mistress of the house, and I am the house is the most well-being of the host. We will have to here have a happy life.",< p > autumn e laugh, think of Tao Ze like a greedy cat like around their turn, exaggerated to catch herself. Tao Ze is a good man, strong ability to work, for his warm and considerate, although such a considerate do not insist on how long,tn requin pas cher, but he is still the try to be happy.
Why did meet the need to meet

< p > recently why he always at home? Come back every time all in a hurry to go? Autumn e heart although a bit skeptical, but think of yourself and Tao Zedou soon married the should not anything else, see too strict and her husband isn't no face,< p > thought of here, autumn e up the food on the table and out of yarn and woven together. But this top of rabbit hair, wear it must be very warm, in the winter, Tao Ze wear this dress,hogan sito ufficiale, not afraid of cold the,< p > the faint light, a beautiful woman is his beloved man in knitting a sweater, the wind gently blowing screens, the scene look how many warm and cordial,< p > several times, Tao Ze came back late at night, shirt with a special kind of perfume, autumn e full brain question mark, but Tao >
look at the Qing Jun already stranger
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  There is only one answer - love. The little prince in order to help the poor, he gave up his sword on the gem, gave the gold piece, also gave his eyes. But he has nothing to fear and to know what is real happiness! I not only to help those poor and happy, but also for my dedication of the prince and the little swallow and sad. I also understand a truth, there is love will be truly happy!
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-29 22:43:40 | 显示全部楼层


< p > when bridges poetic meets the dead one; when a day to see Changan took pleasure in life encountered where dream to; when love encounter brokenhearted, when success caught fails, when the dream stepping into the mud,hogan sito ufficiale, when life is about to end. But who can heal the sad again,nike tn pas cher, but the world can not shed tears for you. You don't other people's tears, don't other people's comfort, don't put the sad load? Can't you use your heart to record the good times? Don't you laugh too loved to cry crazy too, these do not need to be sad.
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is not only sad beauty, beauty is not what universe of 1,000,000,000 universes?
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we have the power to choose our path, also have the power to choose the poetic dwelling. It is the only sad beauty? Beauty in the sea is a dangerous situation of willful,scarpe hogan outlet, beauty in the mountains is perennial accumulation of snow, this is a charming temperament. From the outside to the heart, from dream to reality, from philosophy to practice,mont blanc porte mine, this is a kind of beauty, no doubt,jordan pas cher, sad is also a kind of beauty.
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