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三四月的西藏春色最美 林芝雪山底下看桃花







3 中级会员
发表于 2016-3-30 21:12:36 | 显示全部楼层

Independent Happy birthday flower

a "edge" word
< p > today, I want to send you a bunch of dripping dew rose, hope she can fly over Qianshan, take away my blessing, I wish a happy birthday to you! Dear, may you always be happy to be settled in the warmth of the house, look out the windows and flowers, see the warmth of the house as spring!
still remember when you first met, you left a word in my space to run. I came to your house for tracking, and read your text, and it has been touched by you. This is a kind of woman ah? Love to laugh, love trouble, also have sorrow, there is hatred, let me want to hold you in my arms, want to laugh with you, and you want to make trouble, want to share with you all my all, I want to let you forget all the sorrow. Do not hesitate to add you, and then is a long wait. Just when I was about to be disappointed, you accepted me, you see, you are such a torment.
Source: Essays around web: reading time: 2015-12-21 15:05:40< p > today and all previous day as usual, but with you today unexpectedly become so special, because today is your birthday, today is your day, dear flowers, birthday happy! After every year today, no matter where I am, will be silently for you to send my blessing,tn rose pas cher! I wish you happiness! I wish you a beautiful young,air max pas cher! happy birthday to you!!!
June is the fire season, give you a warm personality, dare to love, dare to hate, dare, dare! To love,chaussure louboutin pas cher, you can like moths to a flame, even if the pieces at the expense of, just want to live up to love the opportunity to, just want to get this unforgettable love. In you, I learned a lot. I will not in order to retain who, and let themselves become poor. I know the life in a hurry, do not have grievances, do what you like, and love yourself, is the most important. Don't struggle in the memories, don't let the past. I love you, because you can make me laugh, even when I don't want to.
think, and you meet in the Daming Lake, I wait for you, and so you set foot on the incense. Gently hold your hand, even your smile only utter not a single word, quiet, the heart is also pleased.
is lucky to meet you! You see a smile, give you a ride, even grey-haired, also do not abandon,golden goose outlet, do not forget!
life is like a journey, you pass by me, I pass by you. Then,hogan outlet online, or go forward, or practice together, then, I hope, I will accompany you to see the scenery, let this friendship in our hearts out of flowers. Even if we can't go to the end, only in this way, the other to bring their own had enough laughter!
the lofty, boundless, how many people can go to edge from the acquaintance friend, glad. We met each other. The Buddha said, five hundred years of cultivation in a thousand years, the same boat repair. It must be my self-discipline not enough, otherwise, how can in this life let me meet you,golden goose outlet, but you can only distantly faces, do not touch your smile.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-2 07:45:56 | 显示全部楼层


flower sweet ,hogan roma online
tears are the seeds of love
into the fall

love is not able to cross time and space
with the chrysanthemum petals fall into the mud
Span&gt,hogan outlet; Author: Yu Wen 1 cleared% source: unknown time: 2015-07-29 read: online submission
then not to fall back

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incense and
near the wild plum into a wine
See also

but smile faded away
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I still want to find
she stayed in the fall
I'm standing in the snow
quietly leave a drop of tears
erase the strands of chrysanthemum yellow
chrysanthemum fragrance
snow no Mutilator

waiting for the winter to come
will wait until Mutilator
chrysanthemum fragrant light of the
won a white
hit the chrysanthemum valve on
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-8 18:48:31 | 显示全部楼层

Before and after the joke

HTML template before and after the joke< br   > time and let us from the ignorance of the blind to knowledge of civilization, and now we look back at those ancient people is so funny. The funny thing is their habits, their feudal superstition, they, and their pursuit of. But one hundred years later, two hundred years later,golden goose, after three hundred years or a thousand years later, our future generations to look back and see if we are not a joke? Our bad habits? What about our science? What about our feudal society? And our pursuit of it? How can not ridiculous. Southern Tang Emperor Li Yu naturally promiscuous,hogan sito ufficiale, inability, careless and the royal government, a day to indulge in wine and lust, eventually defeating the,hogan olympia outlet. Li Yu in a flurry of obscene songs found a woman walks with a limp, the body twist flash discuss Li Yu joy, Li Yu will be the canonized as imperial concubine hiding in the harem pleasure. Only to find out later that this woman's feet is a freak of only three inches,scarpe hogan outlet, road walking is not good, when Li Yu unexpectedly not ashamed anti thought Rong said this is step by step Ephraim will be named the three inch Jinlian! Ridiculous, ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is the three inch Jinlian passed civil society has become the new concept of beauty, all the people think little feet are beautiful beautiful. So many of the normal foot in order to pursue such a deformity of the feet students put their feet to wrap up, hard pressed into three inch! Can imagine how painful it is! The deformity is more than their feet, and their souls are deformed. Chunhuaqiuyue when the past know how much house last night and Dongfeng motherland painful moonlight and should be ringing in just Zhu Yangai ask gentleman to worry about like one Jiangchun water to the east I think heart tune: the man and his deformity, who accompanied him the first Yumeiren resembles one Jiangchun water to the east of the. Into the hearts of the people became a can not erase the brand,ugg pas cher, flow into the minds of future generations can not erase the history of a hard thorn, flow to the time of reincarnation, disappeared. When it comes to the three inch so we modern people and not the three inch? The three inch millennium can not rot. City rich in order to highlight his rural and not the same, living their psychological and physiological to twist off, Li Yu's resembles one Jiangchun water to the East is their twisted roots, with a three inch Jinlian to show their noble identity. And what about us? Look at the current city people, in the heart is how distorted. They live in the machinery of the city they are depressed and their loneliness and their empty,chaussure jordan pas cher, they are disturbed, they in order to meet the needs of their own choice of the dog, but they are definitely cannot tolerate and rural people raise dog. They never keep dogs in China. Look at what those are holding? Are dogs? All kinds of dogs,golden goose saldi, dogs more than people! All kinds of ugly dogs, even if I read so many books, but some hate less, at least I can not call the dog's name! All I know is that the dogs are ugly, and they are ugly, like their owners,air max 95 pas cher. In two days ago I saw a strange ugly things go to the mouth in front of me is! A stench of mucus, like an old woman mouth spit yellow sputum because of too strong still in corners side adhesive. It was a very ugly thing.Related Articles:

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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-12 18:15:39 | 显示全部楼层

The financial company annual work plan

based on the original financial system, according to the new requirements of financial accounting group, to further improve and perfect the financial management system, strict financial accounting management personnel,tn homme pas cher, establish and perfect the internal financial regulations,hogan sito ufficiale, the accounting work has a more standardized and perfect system environment.
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2, improve and perfect the financial system.
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one, straighten out the work of ideas, do a good job in the financial foundation of the work.
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two, strengthen financial personnel training, improve the quality of financial personnel.
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    I always think life is because of the love to go this way, the process full many unpredictable twists and bitterness, also experienced and enrich our life. Not for all the fate of intimate understand, do not expect all the fate can be permanent. Too many encounters numerous living beings, eventually become the traveler to rub shoulders.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 16:11:36 | 显示全部楼层

How to carry out creative imagination

Can you pick Du 2000 to Yun, you think, Pu  br>, phi,hogan outlet;
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  Love and pain are the soul, love is also rich, pain is also wonderful, because that is the most precious life with human emotions! Love and pain are twin, inseparable, so even if sometimes painful, or willing to stick to love in pain, love to pain.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 07:17:31 | 显示全部楼层

A love, two people grow up

A love, two people grow up< br   > wrote so much love, it is inevitable there are often asked me a question: "why so like to write love?"
< br   &gt,hogan sito ufficiale; love accounted for the proportion, in each stage of life are not the same, but it eventually is a part of life, I write I can see from the love of the life, that's all.
&lt,scarpe hogan outlet; br   > when you grow up, when you old, life will search for other, pursue those does not inferior than love, even higher than the love. However, if a person never pursue love, is like a person without childhood, after all, is a bit lonely,hogan outlet online?
< br   > one day, sail past the best, that love is not the life of all, or even see the illusion of love, smiling admit you don't know love, also seen as illusory career, which is a kind of understanding it?
< br   > transmigration, next life will not necessarily be able to life,golden goose, this life is predestined friends the fall in love,golden goose uomo saldi, maybe two personal life both do insects,tn femme pas cher, but not into a butterfly,goyard soldes. As I in the period of love, two personal growth "in order to write, if life is a bee, a is the queen. Another is drone,hogan outlet online, according to the laws of nature, that poor drone trying to survive only task is to continue the family bloodline, immediately after copulation died, the couple will see you in another life, had a night of romance, miserable ah?

I wrote love, because love makes me understand life, but also let me know the impermanence of love. Is the person I love let me although I see love eternal desolation but also can't deny it's sweet, I love soothes my lonely soul, complete my this life cycle.

< br   > a love, two people can grow, whether to with you die, then into loved each other, shed so many tears that we've all grown up.

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  Love and pain are the soul, love is also rich, pain is also wonderful, because that is the most precious life with human emotions! Love and pain are twin, inseparable, so even if sometimes painful, or willing to stick to love in pain, love to pain.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-30 02:16:45 | 显示全部楼层

I ran into a lover and a friend

she hook my finger bounced to the ancient bridge to eat wonton. Across the reeky water vapor, she sat opposite whispered to me: "we should not forget,sac goyard pas cher?" I saw the tears in her eyes, partly hidden and partly visible.
? Do not know each other when the other side does not exist, but now? Ha ha, who all know that we are in the hands of two people with a knife, not gentle stab to each other is to stab himself,? How could it be? Who will own and rival?
from winter to summer,mont blanc pas cher. The street is full of camphor aroma, spicy hot store and a long row of the team. We went to the temple for a sign for each other.
we began to contact frequently. The beginning of the contact, the purpose of each other is not simple. But people will not come back, all are of no avail. Gradually, each other's tone is no longer a provocation and possession of the means, talking about the departure, just like talking about a common we each other.
&lt,hogan outlet; p > first received a phone call from her time, my hands trembling, her words to cry a chamber to tell me how much she loved that, she said the two ah, if it is you,goyard pas cher, you are willing to what also don't do will be done this way,hogan sito ufficiale?? We talked a lot about the one in the two, on the facts and the truth about love and not love. And at this very moment, I heard the voice of our deep love, a deep and furious roar at the phone, "that's enough!" Then we all began to silence. Finally she asked me: "can I do it with you?"
I smiled, I heard myself say: "no, I never do."
we talked about the season when he met: all in the spring of flowering, the starting point of happiness. Rub shoulders over the people quietly passed the love.
is not my pride, that year I was twenty years old, twenty years old, I never know what is a compromise. About, I am absolutely not willing to compromise.
whether the weather is good or not, we all go shopping together,golden goose scarpe donna, go where he goes, where she goes, the place where three of us go together. We sat on the bench,hogan sito ufficiale, suddenly understand what is missing.
I thought that two women in such a line across a telephone line to mourn the emergence of a in their lives, will never fade in the memory will continue to be long. But suddenly one day, when talking happily, everything was.
was in two when the infighting, suddenly, in one day, disappeared. He had no choice and he spent two years, there is no choice was late I, but like a dandelion, with two of the love, propped up a ball small umbrella, the wind blows, floating to the unknown distance. Maybe he'll have another perfect journey,nike tn pas cher.
let's talk about this little habit: the silence and the long pause when we talk. When walking, entirely absorbed. Always full of vigor and hope to the people. Warm smile, like the sun in winter.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-5-5 03:25:17 | 显示全部楼层

Need to capture the love

Need to capture the love< br   > some explosive moments has in according to the lower memory shutter of the moment, flashing a bit, branded in mind, never fade... A picture of a memory that is a gentle wind on sunny days. In the morning, grandma and dad called and said: "your father is in the hospital, you come to see......." I saw my father on the phone when the face, shiny face frowned. He tried to gently say to me: "the child, you first take a vacation,hogan rebel outlet, we have to go to Grandpa's house." Along the way,goyard pas cher, the father did not talk to the driver and the driver said a gossip. Just repeatedly asked me: "the child, you are hungry and dad said, had to eat breakfast,golden goose outlet." I don't joke with my dad, I seem to feel something. The car stopped, the second hand immediately stopped. Dad is from the car down on his knees, a let the heart of the &quot,tn pas cher;father" impact on the sky, to shake the world. Father saw in front of a big "foundation" word, time and again, he cries out, growling, a little bit kneeling walk forward, his body is collapsed, he did not have the will, no one can pull him up. He slammed a sudden collapse! I also cry, feel suddenly hit of sad, very painful, tear the pain of the heart. Father knelt one hour in front of the wreath, howling as heart pain, dry tears. When he came in, Matsumatsu, like a sandbag in the sand over - paralysis! I do not know what to say, but my father said to me: "nothing, nothing, you eat breakfast?" The face is stiff, the mouth is mechanical, the voice is dumb, but dull but bright eyes are all i! Photo 2 that give me cut toenails is my mother,goyard paris, my mother very happy to do this thing, she intended to my feet touched, said: "too tender, a look that is the landlord." I put my hands on the back of the head, and shut my eyes and smile on the bed,louboutin soldes. Mother then also to speak truth, she stared at the reduction refers to the knife work, while vivid said: "once upon a time there was a person to a company in applying for, although his degree is high, very good-looking, bearing extraordinary. But in the end did not admit him, on the grounds that: he has a water mark on the resume, a person who can not keep his resume, do not become a big cause. Say, mother reduction finished, he raised his head and earnest to me said: &quot,goyard pas cher;children, her toenails long, learn to find their own. Sometimes, the details determine success." Then, my mother tickled my feet, said: "the children, remember this story, go to sleep,nike tn pas cher, have a good dream." >   Related Articles:

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   The nameless pink flowers in the lush pink flowers, thriving. The sun gently wrapped it, especially eye-catching. Slowly approached, carefully looked at the screen breathing, four thin wings like petals, such as silk, such as silk, like the butterfly's wings with the wind up and down, beautiful and so not true. Only this flower, a happy mood for a long time can not be calm.
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