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9 管理员
发表于 2016-4-5 13:47:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-6 00:38:40 | 只看该作者

I learned how to make dumplings with _1

A: I learned how to make dumplings
last year, I learned how to make dumplings. Grandmother dumplings have a hand, I learned it from her.
I pack a lot of dumplings, let Grandma take my dumpling boil, I want to eat their own dumplings. Grandma put my dumplings.
start and face up, mother first face and into a dough, and the dough into a long round bar, and then cut into a round bar
tonight is new year's Eve,scarpe hogan outlet, my mother in the kitchen dumplings. I ran over to see see, see mother busy and tired. I thought: I help my mother make dumplings, after a heart war, and finally decided to help her mother dumplings. I dare say: "Mom, I help you make dumplings?"" Mom said, "you can't make dumplings."." I said, "I can learn, let me pack it."." In the end, my mother agreed.
dumplings cooked,air max femme pas cher, and I eat their own dumplings, but it is delicious and delicious ah.
dumplings are really interesting, the next time I have to pack a lot of dumplings so that mom and dad also tasted.
roll skinned well,scarpe hogan outlet, then the stuffing. I took out already prepared stuffing from the kitchen, began to pack up. I am in the package when the package dumplings are always not tight. My grandmother took a small bowl of water, let me in the package on the dough around the time. I am curious to ask Grandma: "why do you want to put around the water on the face?" Grandma replied: "if you don't put the water on the face,scarpe hogan outlet, skin will not stick, so the filling will be exposed." "Oh, this is the original, no wonder I won't stick." I said.
article two: I learned how to make dumplings
we go to the market to buy some flour, which is the main material to make dumplings. Then,air max pas cher, we put the flour and knead dough. We put some water in the flour, and then forcibly knead, knead until the flour when cook cook on the line. Grandma kneaded dough, and cut the dough into a small dough. Grandma used to pin, let me put the dough roll into a round. I roll a lot, but only a few are complete circular, or other is broken, either some strange shapes. Grandma smiled and said: "look you roll these,scarpe hogan outlet, how are some of odd shape. But this is the first time you can roll, it is very good." I took a rolling pin to grandma, grandmother said: "grandma,goyard pas cher, you give me some dough." Grandma replied without hesitation: "well, Ganmian skin is my best." Then, grandma picked up a stick, carefully roll up. Not long after,golden goose outlet, a round face was born. I asked her: "grandma, why are you so roll round?" My grandma said: "this is a secret, as long as you for a while to the left of the roll, while the right to roll, roll the while on the other side and then rolling, so you can roll into a round leather the." According to my grandma said to do, really roll into a round face. I have a roll of several, until the dough out.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-6 18:13:18 | 只看该作者

The escape of composition _1

suddenly, the most clever frog mound, see.
< p > one day, here was developed into a tourist attraction, thousands of tourists come here especially, sweet wells has become a bottle of mineral water, became a popular goods of the tourists. Soon, the water in the well is less and less,golden goose saldi, the fate of the frog family on the verge of death or destruction.
< p > the thing is,chaussure jordan pas cher, some uncivilized people, casually into the well to littering,hogan scarpe outlet, wells was severely damaged and the living environment of the frogs began to change, can not use the wells, many frogs due to illness and death, here has become the a terror zone ".
said the dry, the elders ordered the frogs began to flee their homes. Small frogs one by one on another head, then, five hours later, finally there are three frogs escape. The escape of the frog, found a piece of rope, put at the bottom of a frog pulled up. To the above, the elders said: "look,christian louboutin pas cher, wow! The original children,hogan sito ufficiale, the outside world is so big, so beautiful, we go to a home of our own!"
then said happily: "the Frog - find a spade to dig out on the line!" "No, it should be dug what time ah! Such as dug, all died of thirst "frog said A. Another proposal was rejected. Small frog D thought for a while and said: "we go up the pyramid!" But big brother d deny immediately and sternly said: "can not, if not stepped on a good, foot slipped, that is bad, above brother was not killed, was also fall off to smash sexual fracture!" So,goyard prix, we did not find a good way after all is said and done.
one day, the frog elders summoned all the frogs in the well to open a secret escape. The elders said, "boys, you are good! Our homes were badly damaged and we had to get out of the "terror zone." what would you suggest?" They all have brainstorming. Some said, "let the birds come to help." Some said: "when they come to water, we climbed out on the bucket."." To countless elders, decided to adopt the "Mastermind" method from escaping.
in a long, long time ago, there was a frog in a well and have children,scarpe hogan outlet, they live very happy, happy, but the recent events that they want to leave the home.
in a beautiful small village, there is a well,tn requin pas cher, the well lived a group of frogs, although they are a small place, knowledge is not much, but the one family living a happy life.
< p > this day, the frog family held an emergency meeting, the old gentleman solemnly said: "children, the home we couldn't stay, everyone think of ways to escape." "I want to say, I want to say" little frog QQ at the forefront of the said, "this is not a simple, our high jump champion small B horse is not on the list." Small B looked up at a distance of two meters of the wellhead, scared and sat on the floor, shouted: "no, I can't do that! I can't jump so high!" A scheme is negative.
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